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Presidential Commission on Architecture Policy established in Dec. 2008 in accordance with the Framework Act on Building

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Message from the Chief Commissioner

The Presidential Commission on Architecture Policy is an organization under president for 
national architecture policy consultation. It deliberates major policies in the architecture 
sector and coordinates architecture policies developed and implemented by different 
ministries. It also takes a lead in the improvement of architectural culture and territorial 

Territorial environment is a criterion of national competitiveness in the global era. 
Differentiated and distinct territorial environment is a unique national asset that not only 
creates high added values through cultural and tourism industries but improves national 

We, as one of the presidential commissions, have responsibility to improve the architectural 
environment and pursue a creative architectural culture with its unique and distinctive 
characteristics. To this end, we need to promote green building and eco-city construction to 
respond to changes in demographic and social structures and achieve low carbon green 
growth. By doingso, we can lay a strong foundation for improving living standards and 
national status and thereby moving towards an advanced nation.

I ask you more support and attention to the role of the Presidential Commission on 
Architecture Policy that will play a key role in creating a beautiful territory and pleasant living 

Thank you.

Chief Commissioner